⭐️ Casino Rewards is one of the best-known brands in online gambling. ⭐️ The network brings together three dozen popular online casinos and offers customers the best service, a huge selection of licensed games, great bonuses, a loyalty programme and many other services. CasinoRewards Group has been operating since 1999 and is one of the long-time livers of the industry. All casino networks use Microgaming software and operate under the licenses of reputable operators. The venues work with the independent auditing organisation eCOGRA. The experts test software and publish audit reports. In them, they state the RTP indicators recorded in different categories of gambling.
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Casino Rewards Information
The network includes thirty online casinos, which are listed below. You can play them in one of three formats:
- Download version - The user installs a free client program that provides uninterrupted access to more than 550 games of chance, numerous jackpots, tournaments, bonuses and promotions.
- Browser version - All services of the institution are directly available in the browser. The stability of the work depends largely on the quality of communication. However, with a sufficiently high internet speed, this option is not inferior to the functionality of the downloaded programme.
- Mobile Casino - You can also play on smartphones and tablets in a special interface adapted for touch screens. It offers more than 150 games. There are no restrictions on bonuses and promotions.
You only need to register once. The user account provides access to all versions and services of the institution. Would you like to delete your Casino Rewards account? Then you are in the right place.
Do not block any Casino Rewards account from the loyalty programme
Under the CasinoRewards loyalty programme, customers of all casino groups are automatically assigned statuses. There are six levels. The administration takes into account the player's activity. If he meets the necessary requirements, he is moved to the next level.
The higher the status of the customer, the more advantageous the conditions under which he plays. He receives more points for bets. Bonus points can be changed more favourably.
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Regular customers enjoy special privileges:
- Services provided by personal managers,
- Separate tournaments,
- Exclusive Games,
- Closed raffles of valuable prizes,
- Birthday presents,
- Individual premiums,
- Increased rates,
- Increased payout limits,
- Immediate help around the clock and much more.
The conditions of participation in the loyalty programme are included in the user agreements of all casinos in the group.
Gambling at Casino Rewards
Online casino groups offer the full range of Microgaming models. It is not necessary to look at the well-known brand's products in detail in this article. Reviews of all games are published in separate articles at Casino. Two slots deserve special mention that are only available in the institutions of this network:
- Casino Rewards VIP Slot makes you feel like a high roller in an exclusive slot with bonuses, levels and bonus features.
- Casino Rewards Millionaires Club is a slot about the lives of millionaires and offers free spins, wild cards and big payouts for combinations.
We remind you that the Microgaming portfolio includes entertainment video slots, classic slots, numerous types of poker, blackjack, video poker, roulette and other table and card games, as well as simulators, arcade games, lotteries, scratch cards, bingo and keno, and models of other genres. In most casino games, the RTP exceeds 97%, and in many types of blackjack and video poker it is much higher.
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Delete Casino Rewards Account
If you would like your data and account to be deleted, please contact support.
The right to erase your data applies to you if you wish to request the erasure of your personal data and it may no longer be processed in the future. The right to erasure applies in the following situations:
- If the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or processed.
- You withdraw consent and there is no other legal ground for processing;
- If you object to the processing and there are no compelling legitimate grounds;
- If the personal data has been processed in a way that does not comply with the law;
- Personal data must be removed to comply with a legal obligation.
The right to delete your data is subject to a retention period of five years for security reasons. Thanks to our help here, you can easily delete your Casino Rewards account.